Rainer Pesti

Archimedes supported the oil shale ash research project of Ragn-Sells with 200,000 euros

The Archimedes Foundation supports the scientific research of the technology required for the treatment of oil shale ashes that environmental company AS Ragn-Sells is currently working on with more than 204,000 euros. The support granted within the scope of the programme Applied Research in Smart Specialisation will be used for the research overseen by Ragn-Sells and carried out by the scientists of TalTech and the University of Tartu, which is aimed at finding the best technological solutions to the valorisation of oil shale ashes.

Innovation for climate neutral recovery of elements in oil shale ash

Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli ja Tartu Ülikooli teadlased koostöös Ragn-Sells AS-i meeskonnaga on välja töötamas tööstuslikku tehnoloogiat põlevkivituhas leiduvate elementide eraldamiseks ja taaskasutamiseks Rootsis elluviidud sarnaste ringmajandusprojektide näitel. Suure jäätmesegmendi väärindamise teel taas materjalideringlusesse toomine on keskkonnasäästlikkuse seisukohast topelt kasulik, sest jäätmete hulka vähendatakse ja mitmete materjalide esmatootmist on võimalik seeläbi vähendada. 

How is oil shale ash generated?

Energy production in Estonia is still largely based on oil shale. Although the share of renewable energy is increasing, it still remains at around 30% per year. The strategy confirmed lately by Estonian Government has decleared the oil shale energy production to be ended latest by 2040. 
