Testid õnnestusid: Põlevkivituhast saab toota värvi
Fotol: Esimene värvipukpurk ja tester, mis kinnitavad, et põlevkivituhk sobib valge pulbervärvi tootmiseks.
We are hiring: Production Manager
If you really want to change the World then here is a unique opportunity. Swedish…
Ragn-Sells & OSA: COP28 on suuresti viimane võimalus sõlmida kokkuleppeid kliimakatastroofi vältimiseks
Keskkonnaettevõte Ragn-Sells osaleb ÜRO kliimakonverentsil COP28, seda nii osana Rootsi delegatsioonist, kui olles ka ajalooliselt…
The Ahtme ash hill findings launched the major project of raw material banks
Ragn-Sells' successful drilling operations at Ahtme's old ash hill laid the foundation for an extensive research project by the University of Tartu, the goal of which is...
Kady Pärnaku is the construction manager of the Ragn-Sells oil shale ash valorising plant
Kady Pärnaku, a construction manager with international experience, has joined the project of Ragn-Sells OSA, under whose leadership...
Ragn-Sells at COP27: take an example from Estonia and turn your ash heaps into raw material banks
Alar Saluste, the manager of the Ragn-Sells oil shale ash valorization project, made a call at the UN climate conference COP27 in Egypt...