Rainer Pesti

State to allocate 1.7 million euros in support of Estonia’s largest circular economy project

Via the Applied Research Programme of Enterprise Estonia, the state is set to provide 1.7 million euros in support for the applied research to be carried out as part of the second stage of the oil shale ash enhancement project of Ragn-Sells OSA. This will enable the company, in cooperation with researchers from the University of Tartu and TalTech and scientists from international research laboratories, to carry out next-level industrial tests for the production of calcium carbonate.

Ragn-Sells introduced oil shale ash valorisation project in Narva-Jõesuu

29. juunil kohtuvad Ragn-Sells AS-i esindajad Narva-Jõesuu kohaliku omavalitsuse, ettevõtjate ja elanikega Sinimäe koolihoones, et tutvustada innovaatilisel põlevkivituha väärindamisprotsessil põhineva tehaseprojekti ideed,mis aitab tulevikus oluliselt vähendada põlevkivituha keskkonnamõju. Ettevõte plaanib peatselt esitada taotluse kohaliku omavalitsuse eriplaneeringu algatamiseks.

TALTECH Professor Andres Trikkel explains what is the climate positive calcium carbonate obtained from oil shale ash

Synthetic calcium carbonate represents the biggest share of the materials produced from oil shale ash. The food and pharmaceutical sectors are the best examples of industries in which natural calcium carbonate is used. As this material originates from the manufacturing industry, the calcium carbonate produced from the oil shale ash of Ida-Viru County will most probably be used as a filler in the paint, plastic and paper industry. 

Ida-Virumaa without ash hills

Today, electricity in Estonia is still mostly produced from oil shale, because the alternatives do not yet produce the necessary volumes. Up to 1 million tons of ash waste is left behind from the production of oil shale energy per year, and by valorizing it, we can significantly contribute to reducing the environmental footprint of our energy production as a solution that is already needed today. A cleaner environment in Ida-Virumaa and throughout Estonia.
